Three Steps to Writing a Book

Aspiring writers begin with an idea. Putting the idea on paper may take time as it grows from a concept to a fully-fledged novel or non-fiction work. When the author is ready to develop the project, he may employ three crucial steps.


By outlining the book’s concept, the author gives the work structure. This helps the writer to see how the text flows from one scene to the next. If fictional, the outline includes the central theme and the message the book will convey to its readers. With each sequential chapter outline, the author expands the concept into a working schematic. It’s the beginning of the storyline, which should include the plot, character list, and chapters. As the book’s roadmap, the outline guides the author as he writes the story.


Even works of fiction require research. Fully exploring the subject matter of the book allows the author to create believable narrative elements and characters. For non-fiction works, live interviews with relevant subject-matter experts offer insight into the story behind the book’s focus. Libraries are excellent resources for book research. Information found online may also serve to provide crucial information about the book’s topic.


Writing a book requires discipline. The author usually sets aside time daily to complete a targeted number of words per day. For some writers, ten pages a day is a reasonable goal to achieve. Once complete, a book or novel requires third-party editing to ensure the book flows appropriately. Grammar and punctuation checks are also vital to ensuring the book’s high quality.

Writing a book may offer the writer an opportunity to share his expertise, creativity, and insights. With a variety of genres, the type of work may impact a global audience or local community. By following these three essential steps, a writer may take his concept from an idea to a published work in a few months.

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